A vision for Johns Hopkins by the year 2020
In May 2013, Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J. Daniels articulated priorities for the university through the remainder of the decade, collectively called the Ten by Twenty. Here, we document the progress the university has made toward those goals to date. And we invite you to join the conversation—you will find opportunities to participate throughout the report.

Progress Report
March 2015
A vision for Johns Hopkins by the year 2020
In May 2013, Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J. Daniels articulated priorities for the university through the remainder of the decade, collectively called the Ten by Twenty. Here, we document the progress the university has made toward those goals to date. And we invite you to join the conversation—you will find opportunities to participate throughout the report.

The aspirations that inspire and guide us as we look to the second half of the decade.
- Four Priorities
- Ten Goals
- Thirty Snapshots
Ten by Twenty launched a little over a year ago. How are we doing? We still have a lot of work to do, and we set ambitious goals for ourselves, but we’ve made some good progress. Here we present 30 “Snapshots”—stories of the steps we have taken so far.
One University
- 1Selectively invest in programs that support our core academic mission.
- 2Strengthen our capacity for faculty-led interdisciplinary collaboration and launch a set of innovative cross-cutting initiatives that will contribute substantially to the world of ideas and action.
- 3Enhance the impact of Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the School of Nursing as the world’s pre-eminent academic health sciences enterprise by deepening collaboration among these entities and with disciplines in other parts of the university and across the globe.
Individual Excellence
- 4Build Johns Hopkins’ undergraduate experience so it stands among the top 10 in the nation.
- 5Build on our legacy as America’s first research university by ensuring that at least two-thirds of our PhD programs stand among the top 20 in their fields.
- 6Attract the very best faculty and staff in the world through a welcoming and inclusive environment that values performance and celebrates professional achievement.
Institution Building
- 8Strengthen the institutional, budgetary, technological, and policy frameworks necessary to set priorities, allocate resources, and realize the highest standards of academic excellence.
- 9Reinforce our position as the leading university recipient of competitively funded federal research support, while increasing the amount of annual research investment from other sources with appropriate cost recovery.
- 10Develop the resource base necessary to support investments in key academic priorities.
Commitment to Our Communities
From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
A remarkable year for an innovative NGO. This was a landmark year for Jhpiego, an arm of the university that stretches to touch the entire globe. Jhpiego seeks to bring high-quality and innovative science, knowledge, and technology from Johns Hopkins to prevent the needless deaths of women and their families around the world. The organization has worked in 155 countries and is
One University
Digging In
The university is pushing toward the digital horizon. This past year saw the university commit itself more than ever to charting the future of higher education. The university named as its first vice provost for digital initiatives Pam Jeffries, a professor of nursing and a national leader in the interplay between clinical education and digital technologies. She has convened faculty, students, and staff
Individual Excellence
Mentoring Our Mentors
Creating a network of faculty role models for career advancement. On the heels of the 2012 launch of university mentoring principles, Professors Jennifer Haythornthwaite and David Yousem of the School of Medicine debuted the Master Mentors program, a course offering guidance to senior faculty who seek to become expert mentors and who will not only accelerate the advancement of their own mentees but could coach
Commitment to Our Communities
A Tipping Point
Further progress for the East Baltimore Development Initiative. A public and private investment to date of $917 million, with an additional $240 million pending. A total of 1,700 affordable and market-rate housing units. One hundred thousand square feet of retail space, and 1.6 million square feet of lab and office space. This year, with major progress having been made on key projects, EBDI
Institution Building
A Sense of Identity
A vision of our shared past and our collective future. The Ten by Twenty set out, as an overarching priority, to forge an even greater sense of shared identity across the entire university. Since the original report, the university launched a new initiative to do just that. Its objective was to create a single, more unified identity, one that honors the traditions, character, and excellence
Institution Building
Sustaining Change
Committing to a more environmentally conscious university. In 2007, the university made a commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 51 percent by 2025. Last year, the university undertook a five-year review of its progress so far. The conclusion: We have made substantial strides on the path to sustainability, but there is also more to be done. To date, Johns Hopkins has
One University
Distinguishing Ourselves
A remarkable gift funds human bridges across the university. When philanthropist and alumnus Michael R. Bloomberg gave $350 million to the university in January 2013, he directed the preponderance of the gift to the creation of 50 Bloomberg Distinguished Professors, who would become “human bridges” across the university, undertaking cutting-edge research and education in multiple schools or divisions. This past year, the university announced
One University
A Strategic Plan
A multiyear initiative to chart the future trajectory of the Krieger School. Last year, the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences completed a comprehensive strategic planning process to map the future of the division. The planning started four years ago with a period of internal deliberation and external review. This phase included roughly 30 two-day “Futures Seminars”; the development of academic blueprints by each of the 22
One University
Signature Strengths
Cross-university research initiatives, fueled by philanthropy. In 2013, the university identified five “signature initiatives” for the Rising to the Challenge campaign—areas where it could leverage its many strengths and make a profound difference on emerging global challenges. The five initiatives spanned individualized health, the science of learning, the future of cities, the sustainability of water resources, and global health. The Individualized
Individual Excellence
Our Smallest Blue Jays
A child care center on the Homewood campus. Over the years, faculty, staff, and students have voiced concern about the scarcity of day care options surrounding the Homewood campus. In September, the university announced that construction would soon begin on a new child care facility on the southwest edge of campus. The announcement emerged from an extensive analysis of needs, feasibility, and options.
One University
Responding to Autism
A collaboration in search of answers for children in need. A rising number of diagnoses. A set of enduring questions about testing and definition. A cause still unknown. A cure elusive. These are the puzzles of autism, a range of complex neurological issues that can exact an enormous toll on children and their families around the world. For years, Johns Hopkins and its affiliates have
Individual Excellence
In a Class of Its Own
Our incoming undergraduates invite superlatives. It is difficult not to gush when talking about the Class of 2018. This class is the academically strongest and most selective in the history of the university. Reflecting ongoing efforts to enhance access, the class is the most diverse in the history of the university: It includes the highest percentage of underrepresented minorities and the largest
Individual Excellence
A Network of Support
Helping students succeed in an academically rigorous environment. This past year saw an expansion of investments and efforts to help students succeed in an academically rigorous environment. In fall 2013, an early alert system called HopReach was piloted across 13 courses in the Krieger and Whiting schools, with a particular focus on the large gateway sciences courses taken by hundreds of freshmen. The
Institution Building
Healing Wounded Warriors
Expanding our connections to the federal government in military health. In 2014, the Military & Veterans Health Institute began to take flight under the inaugural leadership of retired Army Maj. Gen. James K. Gilman. The MVHI is a cross-university research partnership that seeks to leverage talent from the schools of Public Health, Medicine, Nursing, and Engineering, the Applied Physics Laboratory, and the Johns Hopkins Health
Individual Excellence
Degrees of Innovation
Reimagining doctoral education for the next century. Since the writing of the original Ten by Twenty, there have been three developments in the university-wide effort to catalyze innovation in PhD education. The report included a wide range of recommendations in areas as diverse as educational methods, mentoring, outcomes and assessment, time to degree, student support, career paths, and diversity. First, a cross-university
Institution Building
A Campaign Like No Other
A record-setting fundraising effort, focused on people. The 2013 fiscal year was the most successful fundraising year in the university’s history, as it received a record $830.5 million in new commitments toward its Rising to the Challenge campaign. Since the campaign’s May 2013 launch, more than 184,000 individuals have given a total of $2.63 billion in cash and pledges, all toward an
Institution Building
Alma Mater
Enduring connections, stronger than ever. Our alumni are maintaining a deeper and more enduring connection to the university than ever before. A record number of people took part in last year’s Homewood alumni weekend and young alumni weekend. About 6,000 people attended the former, and 2,000 attended the latter. Over the last several years, we have almost doubled—from 55 to 95—the
One University
Harnessing the boundless possibilities of big data. As one of the world’s leading educational and research institutions, Johns Hopkins has an ever-expanding need to mine, store, and disseminate massive amounts of information. This year, the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) expanded into a university-wide initiative. It now serves as the center of the university’s data analytics efforts, promoting education
Commitment to Our Communities
An Education in Partnerships
Opening the first new school in East Baltimore in 25 years. This past year, Johns Hopkins opened the first new school built in East Baltimore in 25 years, operated by our School of Education in partnership with Morgan State University. The cutting-edge $43 million institution is known formally as Elmer A. Henderson: A Johns Hopkins Partnership School. An anchor of the East Baltimore Development Initiative (EBDI),
One University
Theater of the Mind
A mosaic of investments in the arts, centered in Station North. The university is investing in a new mosaic of programming in the arts, one that taps the creative energies of our students and faculty, our partners, and the city of Baltimore. The centerpiece of this effort is a partnership with the Maryland Institute College of Art and the Maryland Film Festival to create a new
Institution Building
Administrative Excellence
A new initiative to save money and improve service. The university recently launched the Administrative Excellence Initiative, a new multiyear endeavor to identify opportunities to curb spending growth, strengthen the level of service to members of the community, and free up resources for the university’s core missions. The first phase of the initiative has focused on procurement—how we select our vendors, how much we
Institution Building
Combating Sexual Assault
Dedicated to making our university safe, supportive, and free of sexual violence. The university is committed to providing a safe and supportive campus environment, and addressing forthrightly the pressing challenge of sexual assault on our campuses. This past year, the university: Revised its policies and procedures governing sexual and relationship-based violence in light of the university’s experience, the Campus SaVE Act, and recent guidance from the Department
Institution Building
A Maryland State of Mind
Forging new partnerships with the state and its universities. This past year, the university launched a number of noteworthy new partnerships with the state of Maryland and with public institutions across the state. In 2014, the Maryland General Assembly enacted into law the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program, through which the state will provide $50 million in matching funds over six years to support chairs
Institution Building
Moving FastForward
Harnessing innovation and entrepreneurship to advance the mission of the university. Two graduate students start a company that empowers doctors to conduct physicals through a smartphone. A faculty member licenses a technology that uses 3-D hydrogels to accelerate the healing of wounds. A team of undergraduates launches a startup that helps at-risk patients access food, mental health services, and community resources. These are only a few
Institution Building
Holding Up a Mirror
A university-wide self-study. Over a two-year period, a university-wide committee worked on a comprehensive self-study of Johns Hopkins in preparation for its decennial reaccreditation evaluation. The final report offers a sweeping analysis of the university’s progress and accomplishments over the last decade. It tells the story of one integrated university marshaling its distributed strengths to advance a common
Individual Excellence
Distinctive Fellowships
Graduate students design their own courses for undergraduates. The university has continued to expand its distinctive graduate teaching programs. Since the Ten by Twenty was published, the university has nearly doubled the number of courses in the Gordis Teaching Fellowship program. These fellowships offer doctoral students from the Bloomberg School of Public Health experience teaching their own undergraduate courses in the Krieger School
One University
Carey and the Caregivers
An infusion of business in the East Baltimore campus. This past year saw an ever-expanding web of connections linking the young Carey Business School and the three East Baltimore schools: The introduction of a new certificate program in the Business of Health Care, a joint venture of Carey and the schools of Nursing, Medicine, and Public Health that offers formal business training to leaders
One University
Mobilizing Against an Outbreak
Marshaling our expertise in response to the Ebola crisis. In response to the emerging Ebola crisis this past year, the School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Health System, the School of Public Health, the School of Nursing, the Whiting School of Engineering, the Applied Physics Laboratory, Jhpiego, and the Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response harnessed clinical and research capacities across the enterprise
Individual Excellence
A Gateway to the Sciences
Innovation in education, spreading across the university. The past year saw the completion of the first round of projects in the Gateway Sciences Initiative, which seeks to identify innovative ways to improve how we teach introductory science, engineering, and mathematics to our students. One of the centerpieces of the initiative is an internal $2 million grant program designed to promote evidence-based instructional
Commitment to Our Communities
Strength in Neighbors
Building the Homewood Community Partners Initiative. The past two years saw the launch and expansion of the Homewood Community Partners Initiative (HCPI), a multidimensional partnership with the communities surrounding the Homewood campus. The purpose of HCPI is to create and implement a comprehensive common agenda for the revitalization of the 10 neighborhoods around the Homewood campus. Following extensive consultations with local
The conversation continues.
If there is one thing that marks Johns Hopkins it is our restless spirit in the pursuit of excellence, our unwillingness to coast.
I look forward to working with you on all that lies ahead.

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