Combating Sexual Assault
Dedicated to making our university safe, supportive, and free of sexual violence.
The university is committed to providing a safe and supportive campus environment, and addressing forthrightly the pressing challenge of sexual assault on our campuses.
This past year, the university:
- Revised its policies and procedures governing sexual and relationship-based violence in light of the university’s experience, the Campus SaVE Act, and recent guidance from the Department of Education and the White House.
- Strengthened policies and procedures for issuing timely warnings and other security notifications to the community about sexual assaults.
- Activated a university-wide JHU Sexual Assault Helpline as a 24/7 confidential resource available to all students.
- Launched a JHU Sexual Assault Prevention and Response website as a hub for information and assistance related to sexual violence prevention and response, in collaboration with student leaders and others around the university.
- Created a new position of victim’s advocate, and increased student services, training, and education efforts.
- Established a standing Sexual Violence Advisory Committee, composed of students, faculty, and staff from across Johns Hopkins, and charged with providing input and recommendations on university strategies to address campus sexual violence.
- Formed a leadership-level Title IX working group to provide ongoing review of policies, practices, procedures, and programming relevant to sexual misconduct.
- Increased communication with the university community around issues related to sexual violence and our ongoing responses.
Our work is far from over. And as we advance, we know well that our responses will have a lasting impact only if they reflect the diverse voices and perspectives of our entire community, especially our students.